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ABOUT TBV – Kod Ödülleri Eğitim Oyunu Geliştirme Yarışması
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Turkey Informatics Foundation (TBV), is a non-governmental institution located in Istanbul, established for the for the purpose of “transforming Turkey into the information society”. The main objective of the TBV, which was established on April 14, 1995 by 114 institutions and 178 members of these institutions, is to contribute to the creation of the infrastructure for Turkey’s transformation into an information society and to organize scientific research and development activities to increase the share of the information sector in the economy, to conduct economic and social studies, to produce projects and to ensure their implementations.



• To increase share of informatics investments in the general economy to the average level of European Union countries.
• To provide any information and communication technologies necessary for restructuring of the state.
• To spread informatics culture to all social segments, to increase computer literacy of the society (Measurement: numbers of TVs, phones, computers, etc. per capita). • To spread informatics culture to all social segments, to increase computer literacy of the society (Measurement: numbers of TVs, phones, computers, etc. per capita).
• To build an infrastructure necessary for free circulation of information in Turkey. (to realize the legal and structural changes until 2003)
• As a requirement of the information society, individuals’, any kind of executives, either in public or private sector, access to necessary information in a timely manner in order to make sound decisions.
• To have individuals to learn effective use of information through any kind of training and to build an infrastructure which may provide this TBV Mission Statement


• To develop strategies and policies, and to announce and monitor them.
• To make effort to have relevant public and voluntary organizations to share vision and mission of TBV
• To produce policies for elimination of reasons which prevent use of qualified information, and make necessary efforts to perform them.
• To prepare working documents including opinions on informatics which are requested to be included in election declarations and bulletins and to submit them to the political parties.
• To produce and implement projects for filling lack of qualified human power.
• To create solutions for developing information infrastructure of Turkey. To make necessary efforts for the communication services to be privatized and be competitive in the market. • To create solutions for developing information infrastructure of Turkey. To make necessary efforts for the communication services to be privatized and be competitive in the market.
• T conduct studies to include the Informatics Law in the Turkish legal system.
• To encourage software houses to use software development methodologies and tools in international quality standards.
• To produce and present models for developing collaboration of academic institutions and industry, and in this context, to support attempts for construction of technoparks in order to encourage research and development activities in the information industry.
• Ta act as a bridge between the European Union (EU) and Turkey, and to become partner of EU on this issue.
• To attract interest of printed and mass media on informatics.